Monmouth Scientific | Product | Recirculating Fume Cupboard

Circulaire® Recirculating Fume Cupboard + Airflow Display

Filtration Fume Cupboards can be installed anywhere within your workspace and, thanks to our advanced carbon filtration technology, pollutants produced during chemical handling are captured and absorbed at source, removing the requirement for ducting to an external environment.

The non-ducted fume cabinet does not bare the high costs of installation, maintenance and operation of exhausting conditioned air, instead, the air is cleaned before being safely recirculated back into the working environment.

ICON | Creating Clean Environments

Guaranteed operator protection provided through high performance filtration, specified to your requirements.

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Constructed from Fully Welded Mild Steel. Polyester Powder Coat prevents corrosion.

ICON | Tailored to Your Application

Standard and Custom units to suit your requirements and application.

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We offer complete Project Management from initial enquiry to installation and solution support.

Our range of Single Operator Recirculating Filtration Fume Hoods are the ideal solution for laboratory workspaces where the installation of externally vented duct systems can be problematic. In working environments where a mobile solution is required, the units can be easily relocated to allow laboratories to be reconfigured.

We offer Activated Carbon, for Chemical Filtration, HEPA/ULPA Filters, for Particulate, or a combination of both to suit your protection requirements.

Recirculating clean air back into your laboratory or working environment ensures that Ductless Fume Cupboard solutions are more environmentally friendly than a Ducted option, and the environmental impact of exhausting fumes to the outside atmosphere.

Need more information? Read our article on How to Effectively Use Your Laboratory Fume Cupboard

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Product Specification

Model  C650 C900
External Dims (W x D x H) 650mm x 650mm x 1125mm* 900mm x 650mm x 1125mm*
Aperture (W x H) 590mm x 274mm 740mm x 274mm
Face Velocity Typically set at 0.55m/sec – Can be adjusted depending upon application
Sound <62dB <58dB
Main Filters Large Capacity CARBON or HEPA
Outlet Filter Large Capacity CARBON or HEPA (Optional)
Weight <54kg <66kg
Power 97W 92W
  • *Optional HEPA Outlet +70mm/Optional Carbon Outlet +55mm Height
MonSci-Product-Fume Cupboard - C650

Key Features & Benefits


Fields of Application

  • Laboratories and Research.
  • Manufacturing and Quality Control
  • Forensic Analysis.
  • Biotech and Life Sciences.
  • Hospitals and Pharmacies.

ICON | Creating Clean Environments

High-Quality Filters

The high-quality filters guarantee toxic fume removal and air purification more efficient, effective and safe.

  • Activated Carbon Filters; Suitable for more than 500 Chemicals.
  • HEPA Filters; Suitable for Particulate, 99.997% efficiency at 0.3µm.

ICON | Complete Project Management

Safety Conformity

Fully compliant to BS7989:2001 for Filtration Fume/Particulate Cupboards and COSHH regulations.


Real-Time Airflow

To ensure the Fume Cupboard is functioning optimally, an Animated Colour LCD displays Real-Time Airflow and Filter Saturation Levels within safe and calibrated parameters to ensure personnel protection at all times.

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Protection for Your Requirements

Our range of Activated Carbon Filter Blends and HEPA Filter options have a high retention capacity that guarantees high filtration performance.

Identified by our experienced team, we guarantee the specification is suitable for your required application and process.

AC  General Organic Compounds (iodine, Solvents, Odours etc)
ACID  Acidic Compounds (and general organics)
ACR  Alkali Compounds (and general organics)
AMM  Ammonia & amine compounds (and general organics)
CYN  Cyanide Compounds
ETHER  Ether Compounds (and general organics)
FORM  Aldehydes (and general organics)
SUL  Sulphur Compounds (and general organics)
MCH  Special blend of up to 4 of the above carbon types
ED  Tri-Layered Filter for schools (organic, acid & alkali removed)

For more information on how our Market Leading Clean Air Solutions can benefit you, Contact our Technical Sales Specialists.

MonSci-Product-Fume Cupboard

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    Monmouth Scientific | Product | Recirculating Fume Cupboard

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    Monmouth Scientific | Product | Recirculating Mobile Fume Cupboard
    FAQ Recirculating Fume Cupboards

    Answers to frequently asked questions on recirculating fume cupboards; how they work, their benefits and maintenance tips.

    Creating Clean Air through Recirculating Technology

    Recirculating technology, enhanced by activated carbon and HEPA filtration, works to create cleaner, safer air.