Recirculating Fume Cupboards, Laminar Flow, Biological Safety, Powder Containment, and ISO Class Cleanrooms.

Sustainable Recirculating Technology expels clean air back into your laboratory to ensures an environmentally friendly solution.

Innovative technologies ensure that our solutions consume minimal energy and delivers optimal performance.

A team of highly skilled designers allow us to offer customised solutions to your exact specifications.
Clean Environments for a Sustainable Future
At Monmouth Scientific environmentally responsible and sustainable Recirculating Technology is the core of our expertise, creating clean environments to help scientists and technicians work safely & effectively.
A UK market leader in clean air solutions, we employ cutting-edge technologies and innovative engineering to ensure that our products consume minimal energy while delivering optimal performance.
Our specialised Fume Cupboard, Laminar Flow, Biological Safety, Powder Containment, and ISO Class Cleanroom solutions provide the best protection and performance for your personnel.

Recirculating Fume Cupboard
Monmouth Scientific’s Recirculating Fume Cupboards are designed to provide a safe, efficient, and eco-friendly solution for laboratory fume extraction. Engineered to protect users from exposure to hazardous fumes and vapours, these cupboards utilise advanced filtration technology to ensure clean air is recirculated back into the environment, eliminating the need for external ductwork.
Take control of your laboratory safety today. Explore the Recirculating Fume Cupboard and discover how Monmouth Scientific can revolutionise your workspace!
Our SectorsIndustry Collections

Molecular Devices
Guardian Class 2 Biological Safety Cabinet
“The installation of the Class 2 Biological Safety Cabinets and the opening of our new laboratory facility represents a significant milestone in the industrial-scale production of organoids and an advancement in drug discovery.
Monmouth Scientific worked with us to ensure the safety cabinets were manufactured, delivered and commissioned in alignment with the facility’s setup timeline. Additionally, Monmouth Scientific provide ongoing service and maintenance for the units, safeguarding their performance.
The project has been instrumental in the successful establishment and operation of our new facility.“
Elizabeth Fraser – Strategy Partner – Molecular Devices

Access to State-of-the-art Equipment
Our Live Demonstration Lab provides a space where you can get hands on with our Recirculating Technology and specialised Fume Cupboard, Laminar Flow, Biological Safety, Powder Containment, and ISO Class Cleanroom solutions.
Visit the Lab or Dial into a Digital Demo, you can explore our diverse range of laboratory equipment. Our collection of cutting-edge technology ensures you have the tools you need to conduct experiments, test theories, and refine your research methods.
The Latest From OurResource Hub

Answers to frequently asked questions on recirculating fume cupboards; how they work, their benefits and maintenance tips.

Recirculating technology, enhanced by activated carbon and HEPA filtration, works to create cleaner, safer air.