MonSci - Products - CTPP

Circulaire® Polypropylene Recirculating Fume Cupboard For Acid Use

With a chamber manufactured from Polypropylene, this corrosion-resistant Recirculating Fume Cupboard includes Activated Carbon Filters specifically blended for acid handling.

Installed anywhere within your workspace and, thanks to our advanced carbon filtration technology, requires no ducting to an external environment.

ICON | Creating Clean Environments

Protection is provided through application specific filters to guarantee Acid Fume Removal.

MonSci-Icons-Fume Cupboard

Polypropylene Chamber Construction guarantees high chemical resistance and no corrosion.

ICON | Tailored to Your Application

Standard and Custom units to suit your requirements and application.

MonSci-Icons-ECO Mode

Power Output reduced, Lighting and Display Deactivated and Fan Speed Reduced to 50% after a period of operator inactivity.

Recirculating clean air back into your laboratory or working environment ensures that Ductless Fume Hood solutions are more environmentally friendly than a Ducted option, and the environmental impact of exhausting fumes to the atmosphere.

Airflow is guided towards the interior in order to prevent released aerosols from leaving the controlled working area. Our Acid Blend Activated Carbon Filters have a high retention capacity to effectively trap solvent vapours at the source.

Ductless technology also allows for easy manoeuvrability, meaning cabinets can be repositioned and laboratories can be reconfigured, adding fume cupboard capacity wherever it is required, without the need for specialist installations.

Need more information? Read our article on Questions to Ask When Investing in a Fume Cupboard.

MonSci-Product-Fume Cupboard

Product Specification

Model CT 800 PP CT1100 PP CT1400 PP CT1800 PP
External Dims (WxHxD) 800mm x 1285mm x 700mm* 1100mm x 1285mm x 700mm* 1400mm x 1285mm x 700mm* 1800mm x 1285mm x 700mm*
Aperture (WxH)
500mm x 274mm 800mm x 274mm 1100mm x 274mm 1500mm x 274mm
Sash Folding
Power  61W 161W 161W 276W
Weight  -kg -kg -kg -kg
Filters Large Capacity CARBON or HEPA + Optional Outlet Filter
Sound <53dB <61dB <59dB <55dB
  • *Optional HEPA Outlet +25mm/Optional Carbon Outlet -25mm Height  
  • **Max. Height 1345mm (Fully Open Sash)
  • ***Optional HEPA Outlet +10mm/Optional Carbon Outlet -25mm Height
Monmouth Scientific | Product | Recirculating Fume Cupboard

Key Features & Benefits


Fields of Application

  • Laboratories and Research.
  • Manufacturing and Quality Control
  • Forensic Analysis.
  • Biotech and Life Sciences.
  • Hospitals and Pharmacies.

MonSci-Icons-Fume Cupboard

Cabinet Specifications

  • Polypropylene Chamber Construction and Acrylic Sash.
  • Digital high-performance fans to ensure low noise operation and energy consumption.
  • Fully compliant to BS7989:2001 for Filtration Fume/Particulate Cupboards and COSHH regulations.

ICON | Creating Clean Environments

High-Quality Acid Blend Filters

The high-quality filters guarantee toxic Acid Fume Removal, making air purification more efficient, effective and safe.

  • ACID Blend Carbon Filters; Suitable for Acid Use Applications.
  • HEPA Filters; Suitable for Particulate, 99.997% efficiency at 0.3µm.


Eco Mode

PIR Sensors ensure efficient energy consumption by placing the cabinet in Eco Mode after a period of operator inactivity.

  • Cabinet Power Output reduced.
  • LED Lighting and Visionaire® Display Deactivated
  • Fan Speed reduced to 50%


Touchscreen Control Interface

The Visionaire® Touchscreen Control Interface technology built into our Recirculating Fume Cupboards allows the highest level of operator monitoring and control of product operation.



Additional Options

  • Base Stand
  • Gas & Water Supplies
  • Additional Cable Entry Points
  • Vented Under Cupboards
  • Double Electrical Sockets

For more information on how our Market Leading Clean Air Solutions can benefit you, Contact our Technical Sales Specialists.

MonSci-Product-Fume Cupboard

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    MonSci - Products - CTPP

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    FAQ Recirculating Fume Cupboards

    Answers to frequently asked questions on recirculating fume cupboards; how they work, their benefits and maintenance tips.

    Creating Clean Air through Recirculating Technology

    Recirculating technology, enhanced by activated carbon and HEPA filtration, works to create cleaner, safer air.