Modular CleanroomWhich Industries Are Using Modular Cleanrooms?
Cleanrooms and their controlled ISO Class Clean Air environments have long been associated with the pharmaceutical and medical industries, but thousands of jobs in cleanrooms have been created in other industries.
Air cleaning filtration device(s) are fixed to the outside walls or ceiling of the room and as air enters it is drawn through a HEPA filter (99.997% efficient at 0.3 microns) creating a positive pressure and clean air environment. A variety of levels of cleanliness can be achieved; ISO Class 6, 7 or 8 are the most common.
Designed to precision specifications and capable of operating in accordance within strict industry practices, the cleanroom environment lends itself to many manufacturing pursuits that depend upon its enhanced quality controls.
The aerospace industry relies heavily on the ISO Class Clean Air Environments created within Cleanrooms to perform precise experiments as well as to produce integral equipment such as space-flight lasers. Creating highly sensitive aerospace tools requires controlled environments to ensure no contaminants or pollutants compromise the tools used in the manufacturing process.
In the case of space-flight lasers, absolute accuracy is essential as the lasers will be used to charge the batteries of aerial vehicles, while others are used to vaporise space debris in the earth’s orbit.
Camera lenses from those found on smartphones right up to the high-end lenses of professional cameras must be manufactured using Cleanroom technology. Lens manufacturing requires strict protocols on particle contamination control, humidity and temperature control and vibration isolation.
The military, alongside various other government agencies, rely upon cleanrooms and their technology for many projects, experiments and procedures. Today the military use cleanroom laboratories to develop technology systems and innovative materials capable of enhancing the armed forces.
Monmouth Scientific, a leading manufacturer of clean air solutions, have designed and installed a complete bespoke Clean Room solution at Camp Bastion (now known as Camp Shorabak), in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The project integrated Clean Air technologies to aid highly sensitive applications on military grade weaponry and equipment being carried out in harsh desert environments.
A vital tool in the manufacture of electronic semi-conductors, cleanrooms devoted to nanotechnology are essential in the production of nanotech solar cells. These cells may have a substantial impact on sustainability initiatives world-wide as they are considerably less expensive to manufacture than traditional solar cells.
In highly sensitive Research Labs the presence of additional unknown particles can affect the most carefully configured experiments. All variables that could affect an experiment must be removed for clean results.
The cleanroom nurtures this contaminant-free environment so that experiments relative to multiple sciences and technologies can be conducted. The cleanroom provides the constant that helps researchers reduce and even eliminate cross-contamination or those variables that might impede accurate results.
Scientists and laboratory staff members frequently require safe environments as their task load often involves handling harmful biological agents. A cleanroom environment protects the outer areas of a facility from harmful biological agents and interior equipment designed for technicians such biological safety cabinets, filtration fume cabinets and laminar flow cabinets protect the scientists while they conduct their procedures that involve hazardous materials.
Constructing a new drug, for example, may involve the handling off a dangerous virus or bacterium, the cleanroom and its devices are integral to providing safety for personnel. The Modular Cleanroom offers a cost-effective solution to creating a clean area within an existing room or space and is proving to be a vital component to many industries and sectors around the world.