Monmouth Scientific | Product | Laminar Flow Cabinet

Circulaire® Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet

Our Laminar Flow Cabinets create an ISO Class 4 sterile working environment, protecting sensitive processes using laminar flow air.

The cabinets are equipped with ULPA filters and often used for applications involving plant tissue culture, media plate preparation, electronics inspection, medical device assembly and pharmacy drug preparation.

ICON | Creating Clean Environments

ULPA filters, 99.997% efficient at 0.12um offer Advanced Protection and an ISO Class 4 Clean Environment.

Monmouth Scientific | Laminar Flow Cabinet

The quality and performance of our Products is vital to us and to show our commitment to quality we offer a 5 Year Warranty on all standard solutions.

ICON | Complete Project Management

Horizontal Laminar air flow prevents contamination inside the work space.

ICON | Tailored to Your Application

Standard and Custom units to suit your requirements and application.

Our range of Horizontal Laminar Flow Hoods are clean air enclosures and the ideal solution when protecting samples from particle contamination.


A horizontal flow of ULPA-filtered air cascades unidirectionally from the rear of the cabinet across the work area. A constant positive air pressure is maintained to prevent the intrusion of any contaminated air by continually flushing the enclosure of airborne particles and ensuring the working sample is protected.

Manufactured to the highest quality standards, our cell culture hood solution is equipped features an intuitive control system, energy-efficient LED lighting, controlled airflow and UV sterilisation functionality.

Need more information? Read our article: Do I need a Vertical or Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet?

Monmouth Scientific | Product | Laminar Flow Cabinets
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Product Specification

Model HLFT1000 HLFT1200 HLFT1500 HLFT1800
External Dims (W x D x H) 1000mm x 721mm x 1166mm 1200mm x 721mm x 1166mm 1500mm x 721mm x 1166mm 1800mm x 721mm x 1166mm
Working Area (W x D x H) 984mm x 540mm x 715mm 1184mm x 540mm x 715mm 1484mm x 540mm x 715mm 1784mm x 540mm x 715mm
Air Cleanliness >ISO Class 4 (Class 10)
Power <50dB <61dB <64dB <54dB
Airflow 950m3/hr 1175m3/hr 1325m3/hr 1600m3/hr
Air Speed >0.4m/sec
Power 65W 138W 207W 230W
Weight 51kg 105kg 119kg 130kg
Monmouth Scientific | Product | Laminar Flow Cabinets

Key Features & Benefits

Monmouth Scientific’s Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinets are trusted by scientists and engineers around the world, working in cell culture, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and electronic applications.

Monmouth Scientific | Laminar Flow Cabinet

Cabinet Specifications

Models: HLFT1000 – 1000 mm, HLFT1200 – 1200 mm, HLFT1500 – 1500 mm, HLFT1800 – 1800 mm

Polyester Coated Zintec Mild Steel with an Optional 316-grade stainless steel Work Surface.


UV Chamber Sterilisation

Pre-programmed Start and Finish ensures efficient and complete sterilisation.

ICON | Creating Clean Environments

High-Quality Filters

High-quality ULPA filters and EV4 pre filters are 99.997% efficient at 0.12 microns, creating an ISO Class 4 Clean Environment.


Touchscreen Control Interface

The Visionaire® technology built into our Laminar Flow Cabinets allows the highest level of operator monitoring, giving you the ability to control every necessary aspect of product operation.

ICON | Complete Project Management

Safety Conformity

Fully compliant to BS EN ISO 14644 & BS EN 1822 for Air Cleanliness and High Efficiency Filters


Antistatic Technology 

In partnership with FRASER Antistatic, ensure optimal antistatic performance in our Laminar Flow Cabinets to safeguard sensitive processes and equipment from electrostatic discharge.

Find out… How we help Thatchers with the Science of Cider.

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    Monmouth Scientific | Product | Laminar Flow Cabinet

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